Total Drilling

Why You Need Total Drilling

If your project is in Eastern, Southern, Central, Western, or Northern Australia (or anywhere else, for that matter) AND…

You need:

  • accurate geotechnical/environmental information.
  • a plan, a schedule, and an estimate TODAY.
  • the performance of the drilling contractor that maintains your reputation.
  • to install precise instrumentation.
  • experienced field crews – the best in the business.

If you need:

  • a drilling contractor:
    • who specialises in geotechnical and environmental investigation.
    • that can actually do what he says he can do.
    • that can do what someone else has not been able to do.
    • that has the financial resources to complete a large project.
    • with experience in harsh environments.
    • with experience in a wide range of geological conditions.
    • with expertly maintained equipment.
    • who has the equipment and resources to complete a difficult project.

If you need:

  • a drilling contractor with blue and white equipment.
  • to drill:
    • from a barge.
    • inside a building.
    • on the railway.
    • on soft ground.
  • to hoist the drill by crane.
  • a truck mounted drill.
  • all of the above, and on the same project.
Why You Need Total Drilling Contractor Drilling Contractor Newcastle & Hunter Valley - Total Drilling
Why You Need Total Drilling Contractor Drilling Contractor Newcastle & Hunter Valley - Total Drilling Drilling Contractor Newcastle & Hunter Valley - Total Drilling

Then YOU NEED Total Drilling!

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